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160, Woodlands Rd,  Glasgow

G3 6LF

0141 352 9996

This pub is included in 1 user created pub crawl

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Your Ratings
3.0/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
3.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5
4.0/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
3.5/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

3.5/5 (2 Votes)
1 5

Near By Pubs

Nearest first: The New Arlington Bar, The Bento Bar, Uisge Beatha

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16/11/2010 13:19:09

Reviewed by:

The Halt Bar occupies and corner area in Woodlands Rd (near the Charring Cross side of the west end). On first appearance it has the look of a typical "Blokes pub" with dark wood exterior & interiors with gold lettering. But the Halt is way more that that, most days are packed with gigs, comedy nights, open mic nights, live football/sports events on TV etc added to that a great mixed crowd and an excellent Juke box. Theres also a Halt 2 (for gigs - a younger persons place I assume not been). Staff are friendly and attentive, prices good for the area and a nice pint also - overall def worth a visit.

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