Created By:
K Newman
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Start time 5:30pm. Feel free to grab a drink as we wait outside the Blackfriar pub if fine, until 6pm when the tour moves on. We cross the bridge to the Doggetss Coat and Badge, which has many levels. If fine, we will be down at River level outside, enjoying the sun. We then generally follow the river East. The Founders Arms, stop 3 on this map but stop 4 on the tour is generally our designated food stop, and I feel we should aim to be here by 7pm, so if you are a late arrival, here is a good spot to aim for. Carrying down the river, we do not have to stick religiously to this itinerary, we can add in any interesting looking pubs along the way, or move on if one is too busy. Aiming to circle round Tower Bridge to finish, so that we are able to stumble onto public transport at the end of the night. Another great South Bank Pub Tour awaits!