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8 Sydney Street, Brighton & Hove
01273 609134
Area of Brighton & Hove: City Centre
This pub is included in 11 user created pub crawls
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Nearest first: Brighton Tavern, The Eagle, The White Rabbit, Ciao Bella, The Lord Nelson, The Basket Maker Arms, The George, The Great Eastern, Bamboo Bar, The North Laine, The Foundry, The Pond, The Green Muse, The Albert, The Heart and Hand, The Dorset, The Fountain Head, The Richmond, The Brewery Tap, The Queens Head, The Hobgoblin, The Three Jolly Butchers
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29/01/2010 13:33:44
Reviewed by: Anonymous
The Office is a fair choice for a beer whilst mooching around the North Laines. Is serves decent thai food and has a secluded little garden/patio thing out the back.
Crap name though!
[report for removal]