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107 Water Lane, Holbeck,  Leeds

LS11 5WD

This pub is included in 10 user created pub crawls

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Photo of The Cross Keys
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  • Serves FoodServes Food
  • Has Garden/Outside SeatingGarden/Outside Seating
  • Has Quiz NightsQuiz Night (Sundays - Weekly)
  • Children WelcomeChildren Welcome
  • Disabled AccessDisabled Access
  • Dogs Are AllowedDogs Allowed

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Your Ratings
4.7/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
4.7/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

5.0/5 (3 Votes)
1 5

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