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24-26 Roscoe Street,  Liverpool

L1 2SX

0151 7094365

Area of Liverpool: Hardman Street

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Your Ratings
4.0/5 (5 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (4 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
5.0/5 (4 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

5.0/5 (5 Votes)
1 5


24/04/2012 11:30:20

Reviewed by:
Semolina Pilchard

The best pub in Liverpool, in my opinion. The beer is always good and ever changing. The staff are always great and knowledgable. The three rooms are always clean as is the bar area.

Everything positive about the pub overshadows the one negative, the toilets are small. But even the Phil has small lavvys for its size, and lets be honest, we spend most of our time outside the toilet anyway.

The summer beer festival is always well attended and has a great selection of beers.

But the best thing about this pub is that there is no music. You can talk to strangers and are often encouraged to do so. Brilliant way to round off an evening.

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23/10/2011 16:45:19

Reviewed by:

Great place to visit not only for the good well-served beers, but the very friendly Liverpool welcome. There are no strangers here!

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