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227 Pineapple Road,  Birmingham

B30 2SY

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Your Ratings
1.5/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
3.0/5 (1 Votes)
1 5
1.0/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
3.0/5 (2 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

3.0/5 (2 Votes)
1 5

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19/11/2011 22:27:08

Reviewed by:

went there for a steak took my mom the barmaid helped herself to a tip in my change (didn't realise until sat down) the chap who brought the average food was very attentive but was so anoyed about barmaid didn't leave a tip.

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