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Haddricks Mills Road, South Gosforth,  Newcastle


This pub is included in 1 user created pub crawl

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Your Ratings
3.3/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
5.0/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
3.7/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
3.7/5 (3 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

4.7/5 (3 Votes)
1 5

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07/06/2010 15:58:18

Reviewed by:

Over rated, Over Priced Rubbish.

The Brandling Villa is quite possibly the most pretentious pub ive ever drank in. The beer is very expensive and decidedly average to drink. They have a good range of beers on the bar but when I asked for a pint of hoegarden, a beer they brandish in your face with over advertising, I was informed that they didnt have it! I then attended their folk festival which in all honesty was a complete joke. The food was over priced, the beer was warm and the bar staff were surly, rude, unprofessional and badly dressed. They looked more like scruffy students than bar staff. The kitchen staff were polite and helpful, however you could tell they didnt want to be serving food front of house.

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