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303, Sharrow Vale Rd,  Sheffield

S11 8ZF

0114 268 8051

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Nearest first: The Porter Cottage, Porter Brook

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24/01/2009 19:56:55

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The 'dramatic change' destroyed the best pub in the whole of sheffield, and destroyed a proper community pub. The prices are a rip off, and they cannot even look after their ale, or keep it on regular supply. The food is expensive crap that is still sent in, in microwavable plastic bags from the brewery. I moved to sheffield and from drinking there I got to know everyone from the local plumber, doctor, dentist, lawyer, barber, newsreader, pop singers, politician, cutlers hall head chef, roofer, sparky, piano teacher, tree surgeon, students, seventy eight year old matriach who had drunk there for over fifty years, masonic lodge master, teachers, sandwich makers etc. etc. Now their brilliant cross-section community crossover point has gone, and we are left with a shite soulless mutton dressed as lamb pub, with no heart, no atmosphere, no fun, and most of all no community. A tragedy.

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