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Albert Hall, 14 Peter Street,  Manchester

M2 5QR

0161 835 9697

Area of Manchester: Peter Street

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Your Ratings
1.8/5 (5 Votes)
1 5
1.4/5 (5 Votes)
1 5
1.8/5 (5 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
1.6/5 (5 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

1.6/5 (5 Votes)
1 5


06/10/2008 23:53:01

Reviewed by:

I went to Brannigans in Manchester to meet friends before going on to a club.

The bar staff are unfriendly and clearly haven't been properly trained, which isn't suprising considering the manager is a patronising, rude individual.

I will definately avoid this place from now on. Instead of having a few fun drinks with my friends, we left feeling wound up and frustrated by how we'd been treated!

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