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138, Deansgate, Deansgate,  Manchester

M3 2RP

0161 834 2133

Area of Manchester: Deansgate

This pub is included in 27 user created pub crawls

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  • Serves FoodServes Food
  • Has Live MusicLive Music
  • Has Quiz NightsQuiz Night (Various Days)
  • Shows SportShows Sport
  • Big ScreenHas A Big Screen TV(s)
  • Children WelcomeChildren Welcome
  • Disabled AccessDisabled Access
  • AmusementsAmusements
  • DJsDJs
  • JukeboxJukebox

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Your Ratings
3.4/5 (34 Votes)
1 5
3.5/5 (35 Votes)
1 5
3.3/5 (34 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
1.2/5 (34 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

3.3/5 (34 Votes)
1 5


26/05/2010 09:44:41

Reviewed by:

cask ale is never that good in this place. my oppinion the manager should just knock it on the head. If you cant keep it, dont bother!

[report for removal]  

07/04/2010 14:10:18

Reviewed by:

the cask is always cloudy! not that good.

[report for removal]  

16/03/2010 10:53:20

Reviewed by:

whent in the Sawyers arms over the weekend and the cask was cloudy! Horrible will not be going back

[report for removal]  

03/02/2010 09:55:08

Reviewed by:

I went in the sawyers arms last week and i will not be going back. the barman was very rude to my wife for no reason. he swaned around like he owned the place. shame as the Copper Dragon was really good.

[report for removal]