Previously Named:  Slug and Lettuce, Yates's

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51-53 George Street,  Oxford


01865 723790

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Your Ratings
4.0/5 (7 Votes)
1 5
3.5/5 (8 Votes)
1 5
3.9/5 (7 Votes)
1 5
Beer Quality:
3.9/5 (7 Votes)
1 5
Drinks Selection:

(real ales, wine etc)

4.4/5 (7 Votes)
1 5


15/06/2011 09:04:46

Reviewed by:

I used to enjoy frequenting Four Candles (George Street) for casual pub dinners and the cheap English breakfasts back when they were 2.99 with a drink. The staff were on previous occasions accommodating, esp. when once the steak orders had be to be cancelled as the grill was not functioning. I went again on 14 June to try their Tuesday Steak Club deal, but I'm sad to say I will never return to Four Candles again because of an incident with one of the bartenders. I ordered steak at the counter, and the member of staff assumed that I could not speak English and proceeded to mockingly, in broken English and a bizarre accent, "no steak", "no more" "go back" "order new", gesturing with a crossing of hands. Needless to say my skin and hair colour probably influenced her judgement. I reported the incident to the manager who was indifferent to the affair. Won't be visiting Four Candles again- if not for the rude and condescending service, then for the grill which hasn't been fixed in forever!

[report for removal]  

28/08/2009 15:44:11

Reviewed by:

I have been in the four candles on many occasions.

Twice have i ordered a real ale, and twice has it been off, the staff are rude, the tables uncomfortable and glasses and crockery are left on the tables for hours.

they also seem to run out of things a lot of the time, they have a menu, but ask for anything off of the menu and there's a 50/50 chance that they possess the drink, and even if they do, it takes a long time to get served, and then once served as stated above, the staff are rude, and very slow and argumentative.

unfortunatly this was not a one-off either, i have been here many occasions, and on many times have i seen the same manner by the staff, the same messyness and the same lack of stock.

i would suggest missing this venue, although very cheap(a round for 3 people shouldn't exceed £6-7), you get what you pay for, poor quality drinks, rude staff and a messy drinking/eating area.

Awful pub.

[report for removal]